Welcome to Geek Therapeutics’ Game Master’s Dungeon Journal!
This specially designed and tested Dungeon Journal is to be used for campaigns of 10-12 sessions or adventures and has been created for everyday Game Masters, Professional Dungeon Masters, and Therapeutic Game/Dungeon Masters.
You will find grid paper to draw out the map that you will use for your campaign as well as important pages to help build the setting of your campaign.
This can be used for worlds that you develop on your own, use from books, and for worlds that use a collaborative approach and those who do not.
In this journal you will find 176 pages of tools for:
• creating and organizing your party,
• your session zero,
• consent building for your group,
• world building,
• campaign planning,
• boss and minion planning,
• customizing your places of interest for the party,
• graph paper for drawing your world, dungeons, cities, and more,
• flow charts to keep you and your party on track,
• additional pages that allow for you to keep a snapshot of your party, to include their Armor Class (AC), Health Points (HP) and more,
• and documenting each session as it happens.